Madrid Academy of Art, in Spain

Examining the Complicated Legacy of Orientalism in Modern Society

Written by MAAD Team | Jan 19, 2022 11:00:00 PM

Orientalism art period was a period in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries which saw the production of artwork which focused on the Near and Middle East, North Africa, and India. This artwork was usually created by Western artists and was often very romanticized and exotic. This period has come to be associated with a kind of exoticism and stereotypes, but it was also an important point in the history of art, as it was one of the first times that Western artists had an interest in Eastern culture and art.

The artwork of this period focused on a wide range of themes, from landscapes to religious scenes. Orientalism was also seen in the architecture of the period, with grand and ornate buildings featuring traditional Islamic designs. Paintings of this period often depicted exotic scenes from the East, such as the Taj Mahal and the Pyramids of Giza, as well as depicting the culture and customs of the region.

The Orientalism art period has been criticized for its romanticized and often inaccurate depictions of Eastern culture. However, it was an important point in the history of art, as it was the first time that Western artists had an interest in Eastern culture and art, and it helped to open up the world to the influences of different cultures. Despite its flaws, Orientalism art period is still a fascinating period in the history of art and provides an important insight into the cultural exchanges between the East and West.